Meet Our Central American Produce Farmers

Our Pineapple Farmer
I was born and raised on the farm I and my family operate. My parents were originally from Ohio USA and moved to Costa Rica as missionaries over 45 years ago. We were raised in this community and early on were introduced to the beautiful privilege of working on the farm and relating with the local community and church.
My father was an interesting and energetic character and loved to learn new things. We started off with a dairy farm. Experimented with macadamia nut trees, passion fruit plantations, heart of palm, and then pineapple. Dad was always eager to try new projects and with a family of seven children, he kept us busy.
My parents have both now passed away and are greatly missed. My four brothers live in the United States, I am glad that my two sisters and their families live close by which adds the family warmth to our lives.
My wife and I, along with our 6 children, live on the farm in Costa Rica we were raised on and rent some of the surrounding land for the pineapple project. We are committed to producing the sweetest, plant ripened, pesticide free pineapple fruit ever produced. We feel that we have a unique product and are so excited to share this experience and gift with LATAM Farm Fresh, LLC. Hear more about our mission.
Edwin Hershberger